This Website

The very website you're on right now! A portfolio of my work.

Next.jsVercelTypescriptTailwind CSS
This Website Logo

Caffeinated Coder Avatar

Reddit Collectible avatar to celebrate the act of creating things while being fueled by caffeine.

Adobe Photoshop
Caffeinated Coder Avatar Logo

Shroom Token Whitepaper & Logo

Whitepaper and documentation about $HROOM token.

Next.jsVercelTypescriptTailwind CSSAdobe Photoshop
Shroom Token Whitepaper & Logo Logo

Tacon Token Whitepaper & Logo

Whitepaper and documentation about Tacon Token.

Next.jsVercelTypescriptTailwind CSSAdobe Photoshop
Tacon Token Whitepaper & Logo Logo

Crunchy Delivery Avatar

Reddit Collectible Avatar to show off the love for tacos!

Adobe Photoshop
Crunchy Delivery Avatar Logo


Reddit bot that sets custom flair that represents liquidity and token holdings on and off the blockchain.

PythonReddit PRAW Library
u/TacozBot Logo


ConemunityChest rewards users at random when they post in r/ConeHeads. Is he a bot? Is he a bored CONE tycoon?

PythonReddit PRAW Library
u/ConemunityChest Logo


Live price action for Community Currencies, Collectible Avatars, and tools for tracking your vault's value and your tipping stats.

Next.jsVercelTypescriptHTML5CSSBootstrap 5PythonAdobe Photoshop
RCCMarketCap Logo


Live price action for BitCone and Cone related avatars.

HTML5CSSJavascriptPythonAdobe Photoshop
ConeGecko Logo


Find matching Nyan Cat and Fiesta Dog mint numbers.

NyanMatcher Logo

Plunger Planet Whitepaper & Logo

Whitepaper for Plunger Token.

HTML5CSSJavascriptAdobe Photoshop
Plunger Planet Whitepaper & Logo Logo